About Me:

Currently based in Osaka, originally from San Diego, California. I'm interested in web development using Ruby on Rails, messing around in Javascript, and doing some side projects in Python. Currently learning more advanced Ruby on Rails and React. I also love snowboarding and eating ramen. I have been to more than 200 different ramen shops throughout Japan! Below are some of the projects I am proud of. I am currently developing an English ramen application to help foreigners find the best bowls in Japan! I would love to collaborate with people on Ruby on Rails or Python applcations. Feel free to connect with me on Github or Linkedin at the links below.

My Stacks


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Role: Project Manager

Stacks: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL

My team's final project for our bootcamp. Ozei is a fullstack mobile facing application that connects large groups of people with reservations at restaurants instantaneously! Users can search for real restaurants in Tokyo (provided by the Hot Pepper API) and send requests for a reservation. Owners of restaurants can use the app to either approve or deny reservations as well. As project manager, I was responsible for setting up the APIs (Hotpepper and Mapbox), assisting with backend, and doing some workin Javascript on the front end.

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Live Chat App

Role: Individual Project

Stacks: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Deployed on Heroku

A slack clone I made using Rails ActionCable and AJAX. Users can send messages in chatrooms and create their own. ActionCable and AJAX are used so that messages automatically update for all parties instantly in the chatrooms. A direct messaging feature is currently under development.

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Crypto Calculator

Role: Individual Project

Stacks: React, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Deployed on Heroku

A crypto currency portfolio calculator I made using React and Rails with API calls from Coinmarketcap. This calculator allows you to to calculate live crypto value from the top 200 crypto currencies listed on the coinmarketcap exchange. Enter the amount of crypto you own and it will appear in your portfolio on the right side.

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Gif Searcher

Role: Individual Project

Stacks: React, HTML, CSS

Created a simple gif searcher using JS React and utilizing the Giphy search api. You can search for your favorite gifs and click on them to put it in the center of the screen to save it.

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Fluffy Friend Finder

Role: Backend Developer

Stacks: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL

An AirBnB clone that connects pet owners with people who would like to rent a pet for the weekend! I was responsible for the backend dealing with the database and setting up our controllers and routes. I also assisted in making sure that both owners and users pages were connected and working Made with Ruby on Rails and JS.

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Movie Watchlist

Role: Individual Project

Stacks: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL

This is a full stack movie watchlist made with Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Create you own list of movies that you like! Currently working on adding a movie list API to increase the amount of movies that users can search for. This app is in production on my heroku page as well.

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Role: Individual Project

Stacks: Python

A pong game made in python using turtle. Two players can simultaneously play at the same time.

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Role: Individual Project

Stacks: Python

Eat the color blocks to get longer while avoiding your tail! Made in Python using Python Turtle using OOP. There is also a high score function built in where the high score will be written to a CSV file in the project so users are able to keep track of their high score.

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Role: Individual Project

Stacks: Javascript, HTML, CSS

An etch-a-sketch I made using vanilla JS using dom manipulation. You can use the slider to adjust the size of the grid and reset using the buttons on the etch a sketch.

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